Tuesday, August 3, 2010

a draft

So those of you who follow my face book notes, you know that I started a long one about a year and ahalf ago or more called
"Watching The Stars."
I divided it up into parts. Well, the other day I decided that I would continue the story here. Spent at least an hour and a half working on it, saved it as a draft, and now, I do not know how to find it... Hmmm... I guess those readers that were interested in that story may have to wait another year or two. Hope I do not forget what I was going to write. This blogging is much easier said than done for this fellow. O well, I thank God that at least I can right. Man, God has been so good to me! Here I am blind as a bat, Blind, As, A Bat mind you! and yet through the use of modern technology, I can type andread. Am I blessed or what. Blind as a bat, and see so much, wow... God is awesome, Here I am seeing so much and blind as a, Well you know.(except wait a minute, someone told me bats are not really blind, so are the or arn't they?( O well, you get the point. God lets me see beyond what I am able and for that, I am greatful. As for whether or not bats are blind, well, if I ever get to talk with one , I'll ask him or her, and let you know what he or she says... That might be a day or two though, so don't expect me to get back with you on this anytime soon.


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