Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I'm in the mood to write

Well, I feel like I kind of have a handel on the sermon I've been studying for today,
Now I'm in the mood to do some writing, but I am unsure what to say.
I guess I could always write about His goodness, the goodness of My God,
Orr how I sometimes find the thinking of others to be so very odd.
I could write about my Carey whom I love so very much,
I could write about her a while for to me she means abunch.
I could write a poem about the straight and nerow, I could write how Jesus is the way,
Or I could make up a funny story, but I haven't enough time for this type of play.
I think that I'll simply write that today is a beautiful day,
and I am thankful that when others may be in a bad mood, well thankfully, it doesn't have to make my spirits gray.
I'm doing fairly well at making this poem rime,
although I'm not fully sure of it's perpose, I hope I'm not waisting my readers time.
Time is something I view as precious, after all, we only have this day once,
and now I'm out, for I can not find a rime for once.
So I guess I should have quit while in riming I was ahead,
for now my riming is almost over, and my creative battery is going dead.(figutivly speaking of course, my brane is not really power by a battery)
So thanks for stopping by my friend I hope you enjoyed your read,
and while trying to find one last rime, I just remembered I have some homemade bread!(Thank The Lord I wrote this, I may have not remembered otherwise!)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

life is good

Hello dear readers and friends or passer byers, how are you? Well, things are good for me to day. It is so hot that we don't have to use the cook stove, we just lay whatever we want to eat out side for about 10 minutes and it is fried, we don't have to run the hot water heater because the ground is warm enough the waters hot ect. Okay just kidding, it is hot, but not quite that hot.
I am planning to get back to the blogs about bringing up children in the near future. I have not really been able to blog lately, blogging isn't all that easy, but then again alot of things in this life worth having are not that easy. Which brings me to the subject on my mind, life. If there is one thing I love it is life. For one thing Jesus is life, so there is certainly not anything about Him not to love, and I have been thinking about this today and how rich Carey and I are. O not in material things or money. More rather in love, Jesus, and there is a roof over our heads. I have also been thinking about how glad I am for life being simple. Not always easy, but not hard to figure out. Well sometimes it is in a since, but once a person figures out, that he or she don't have to figure it out it isn't so hard really. I am thankful that I can ask The Lord to show me His will, then simply trust Him and do according to the Bible and the peace or lack there of in my heart. I seem to find that what I get out of life has to do with how much I put into it. The more I Put trust in Jesus, and love Him and serve Him, He puts all the more love and service back into me. And Him being no respecter of persons, I know that He does or will do the same for all. So, I am just thankful for that to day. And glad that when there are things that I do not understand, He understands that I do not understand, and I am glad we can talk about it. Thank God!!! My am I glad He and I can talk about it. And I do not have to wonder how He is going to take something that I may say...
Talk to you layter readers

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

raising children part 2

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old He will not depart from it.(Proverbs 22:6)
Well here we go again readers, are you ready? I'm not sure I am. I sat down to poast this over a half hour ago, but I got sidetract on my blog trying to adjust some settings so comments would be emailed to me. This was no small task! You see there are all these little buttons to click on, and you know how it works. You just take the little mouse, and move around till you find whatever and click on it do you not?
Well, Not so with a blind person using a screen reader. You See, I can't see, so I have to listen to each individual link, or button. Then try to figure out which one I am clicking when I give the key command to click, then try to figure out if I succeeded or not. Wow! I'm tired already. But I'm not complaining, or if I am I certainly don't mean to, for I am so blessed. When I think of how limited a blind person would have been some years back, and now, the technology out there for the blind is amazing! I am so blessed, and Jesus is Awesome! In fact, The whole Triune God is!!

So, lets talk about raising children shall we? Or should I say, lets read about it...
I started off with the verse from Proverbs, because it seems to me to be one of the most encouraging and informitive scriptures there is about raising children. I think that we have to think about this intire verse carefully so we do not miss anything, so lets do it shall we?
The first thing in this passage of scripture that I would like to deal with if I may, is the fact that the bible refers to the child as "he."
Oh, my! Does this mean that a girl child is left out of this saying, and the scripture does not apply to her? Not at all. More rather the masculine form is simply the way the Bible speaks of children, and I believe that there is a reason for this. From every thing that I have ever heard, it was nearly a disgrace if a man had no male child. For the inheritance would typicly go to the male child. Even to day when a girl grows up and gets married, her last name offten changes to the last name of her new husband's and the male name takes the lead. I John tells us to behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed up on us, that we should be called the Sons of God. Well, I don't believe that this means the women are left out, they are the daughters of God. However the Word does not tend to speak of daughters as much as Sons, and I think this is because a daughter of God is a son of God in terms of inheritance. She is borrn again just like a man who gives himself to Jesus is. She to is a child of God, a joint heir with Christ! Thus, she has a fixed name, an eternal legacy with Him. She is a son in that since, her name will continue with Him forever...(that is to say the name Christ has given her) So all ladies, please, I encourage you, don't feel left out when you run across a Bible verse that only says "He" or "Son". It doesn't mean The Lorrd has forgotten you or brushed you aside, on the contrary my Sister, I think it means that if you know Him, He counts you as a joint heir with Him just like men who are. The Father is the Bridegroom, and His sons, men and women alike, are the bride awaiting His coming! This is to say, if you have excepted Jesus as your savior, than you are this son or this bride I speak of, that means more than life to Him Otherwise you are like an x bride who has broken off your engagement with Your Bridegroom, and I would encourage you to do something about that before you have an eternal heart ake that time will not heal. As Friends, He is offering us so much more than what we have have now. It is all in the waiting.
So, I say all of this to say, God cares about boys and girls, and thus let not the women be discouraged or feel brushed aside when scripture simply says "He" and not "He and She" or "son" and not "son and daughter", for I asure you that He didn't forget you sister...
Now by the time I edet this a little, it's going to be getting short of time, so I best leave off here for now and continue next time. Thanks for stopping by readers.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Raising / rearing children part one

Hello friends and readers, how are you doing today? Feel free to drop me a little note at and let me know if you wish. I do hope you are doing well, and I want to thank you for stopping by. I think that The Lord inspired me to write this little series called raising or rearing children through my friend S. I've decided to use letters for my friends that I write about on here, because I've not asked permition to write about them, and since I think the whole world can see this, I am unsure if it is wise to poast actural names of who ever comes to my mind with out checking with them first, so I'll simply use letters.
Anyways, I have this friend S and her husband D, though I don't think I have ever met them in person. I've met S's two younger sisters, A and M, and their husbands W and D, men I wished I knew better, because again, they seem like great guys to me. You see these three sisters and I went to college at the same place, so I got to know them a little bit. As a result, I really like this family, and I have grown to love them in a spiritual way, as I have grown to love many in Christ Jesus through my time at JBU.
Yes, I love S and her husband D, because I am confedent he is a great guy, and S seems really nice as well and comes from a family that I have seen to be full of good works, and truth. I've not met the parents of these three sisters, but they had to have instilled some pretty valuable truth in to their girls, because I've seen and heard glimpses of the lives of these three sisters and the men they married, and it's pretty eternally awesome.
For example, I've read some of S's blogs, and I read into that that she loves The Lord, her children and family. And she is humbled enough to speak about thinggs that she needs help with and gives God glory for helping her as He continues to do.
Her sister A and W have a passion to be a light of hope, to set captive free and so forth. I have witnessed the same in the youngest sister M and her husband D. They also want to set people free from spiritual baundage. And, when I went to colege with A and M, I could ask of them a favor if I needed to, and if they were able to grant it, they did. And by no means did they show any sign of reluctance in so doing. In short, to me these sisters were and no doubt still are like a breath of fresh air, a possitive message, a light of hope, a sweet song that is true. All three and there husbands, and I am sure that they will instill this life into there children as well.
Ah, here we go. Now we are getting to the point, children! Don't ya just love Children, Kids, Little ones? I know of few people that can teach us more than children can.
Now I hesetated to start this series, because I have no children of my own. Thus, who am I to talk about raising kids? My wife and I hope to have a little one some day, as we both love Kids very much, but we havve no children at the present time. Never the Less, as I said, my wife and I love children, and she works with older kids. I keep my ears open, I inquire of her and many others, I listen, I learn, I remember, and I remember what it was like for me when I was a kid, and I figured that if something I have heard, or seen, or learned could pertentually be of help or encouragement to someone else who is raising a child or children, well I ought to share it. I didn't really think of this though, until I saw a facebook stadis on S's page. She wrote about an experience she had with her son in Barns and Noble a while back, that reminded me of somethings I hope to put into practice when I am in a similar place with a child, and wondered if it could encourage someone if I pass Them on . So I started this blog series in hopes someone might be blessed.
So, now you have the introduction, and I guess because I am blind, and editing and writing for me is pretty hard, and very very very time consuming, I am going to leave off here for now. But, I'll poast part 2 next week. Then three, four, and so on untill I am done. I would love some feadback, when I get going so I'll know better if this is helpful to anyone or not, as like I said, it is hard work and very time consumeing. Yet, if it is a little blessing to someone in someway, it will be worth all the effert and more . So thank you in advance for your interest, and God willing I'll be back next week with some of the meat.

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Catholic Service

So, I had or have so much I could have written today, but it takes so very long to blog and edit. I do joy in writing though. O how I joy in words when there is time to let them flow.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Children of The Heavenly Father

Well hello, readers, thanks for stopping by. It is cold outside today. Ha, that just reminded me of that song
"Baby it's Cold OutSide".
I first heard that song on a silly little Christmas Movie that I kind of like. I suppose the Movie I am thinking of is so fake and silly in so many ways it is ridiculous. However, it has a good story to it, and I kind of like it nun the less. In fact, I guess I would consider buying it if I found it and thought the price is right.
Anyhow, as I was saying, it's cold outside today, and so far I have spent the day in studying for tomorrows sermon, and also sitting at the computer trying to learn a song. It is a beauty of a hymn, a friend sent the words to me today, and it is so soothing. I have decided to poast it, because someone may run across this who is feeling down, or hurting in some way, and this might soothe his or her soul don't ya know.
Ah, notice that "don't ya Know" phrase I used. Funny how things a person hears will stick in his mind. Carey and I have been listening to a story in the Mitford series by Jan Somebody. I know her last name as well as I know my own, but I do not know how to spell it as well as I do my own, so for now I'll just say her last name is Somebody. Perhaps I'll ask Carey or someone how to spell her name.
One of the characters in the story named Uncle Billey(I don't know if I spelled his name right or not either), uses the phrase "don't ya know"
quite a bit when he is telling storys or jokes or what ever he may be telling. I guess I sort of liked the sound of the phrase and it just seemed natural to me to coppy the saying don't ya know.
Well, back to the original topic, if a man or woman, girl or boy is having a hard go of it right now, and will put some faith in the words that I am about to write below, it could really sooth the heart don't ya know. For I believe the words to be truth, and what a releaf inside if you can count yourself to be a child of The Living God. So, I hope this finds you well friend. Here we go, I will give spelling my best shot.
"Children of the Heavenly Father, safely in His bosom gather; Nestling bird nor star in heaven such a refuge e'er was given.
God His own doth tend and nourish; in His Holy Courts they flourish; From all evil things He spares them; In His mighty arms He bears them.
Neither life nor death shall ever from The Lord His children sever; Unto them His grace He showeth, and their sorrows all He knoweth.
Though He giveth or He taketh, God His children ne'er forsaketh; His the loving purpose Solely to preserve them pure and holy.
Lo, their very hairs He numbers, and no daily care encumbers them that share His every blessing and His help in woes distressing."
If you know the toon and are singing this as you read, now lets go up a key!
"Praise The Lord in joyful numbers: Your protector never slumbers. At the will of your Defender every foeman must surrender."

Well, I think thats about all I have for now, I hope this finds you well. Take care my friend and reader!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


As I type this little blog, a gentle rain is falling down,
and I'm thinking of the blessings that I'm finding all around.
First there is salvation for my Christ has saved my soul,
and then there is the once broken spirit from past disapointments that now He's making whole...
I find that I have plenty to eat, today I ate my fill,
and over all my helth is good, I've not needed to take a pill.
I have peace thats deep
and my soul He doth keep,
and He has taught me things that are sound.
My blessings seem to multiply like the rain drops falling down.
Thus I am thankful and thus I shall sing,
may my voice with melody ring.
And let this song of songs I sing
be glory, glory, glory, glory to The King amen.
Just some words that came to my mind concerning My God and King. Rain makes me praise Him, and I always think of the rain as His showers of sweet blessings that He sends down on his sheep. And thanks to Him and the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, I am one of His sheep. SO like I said to God be the glory amen.
Thanks for stopping by reader God bless ya