Friday, May 20, 2011

Raising / rearing children part one

Hello friends and readers, how are you doing today? Feel free to drop me a little note at and let me know if you wish. I do hope you are doing well, and I want to thank you for stopping by. I think that The Lord inspired me to write this little series called raising or rearing children through my friend S. I've decided to use letters for my friends that I write about on here, because I've not asked permition to write about them, and since I think the whole world can see this, I am unsure if it is wise to poast actural names of who ever comes to my mind with out checking with them first, so I'll simply use letters.
Anyways, I have this friend S and her husband D, though I don't think I have ever met them in person. I've met S's two younger sisters, A and M, and their husbands W and D, men I wished I knew better, because again, they seem like great guys to me. You see these three sisters and I went to college at the same place, so I got to know them a little bit. As a result, I really like this family, and I have grown to love them in a spiritual way, as I have grown to love many in Christ Jesus through my time at JBU.
Yes, I love S and her husband D, because I am confedent he is a great guy, and S seems really nice as well and comes from a family that I have seen to be full of good works, and truth. I've not met the parents of these three sisters, but they had to have instilled some pretty valuable truth in to their girls, because I've seen and heard glimpses of the lives of these three sisters and the men they married, and it's pretty eternally awesome.
For example, I've read some of S's blogs, and I read into that that she loves The Lord, her children and family. And she is humbled enough to speak about thinggs that she needs help with and gives God glory for helping her as He continues to do.
Her sister A and W have a passion to be a light of hope, to set captive free and so forth. I have witnessed the same in the youngest sister M and her husband D. They also want to set people free from spiritual baundage. And, when I went to colege with A and M, I could ask of them a favor if I needed to, and if they were able to grant it, they did. And by no means did they show any sign of reluctance in so doing. In short, to me these sisters were and no doubt still are like a breath of fresh air, a possitive message, a light of hope, a sweet song that is true. All three and there husbands, and I am sure that they will instill this life into there children as well.
Ah, here we go. Now we are getting to the point, children! Don't ya just love Children, Kids, Little ones? I know of few people that can teach us more than children can.
Now I hesetated to start this series, because I have no children of my own. Thus, who am I to talk about raising kids? My wife and I hope to have a little one some day, as we both love Kids very much, but we havve no children at the present time. Never the Less, as I said, my wife and I love children, and she works with older kids. I keep my ears open, I inquire of her and many others, I listen, I learn, I remember, and I remember what it was like for me when I was a kid, and I figured that if something I have heard, or seen, or learned could pertentually be of help or encouragement to someone else who is raising a child or children, well I ought to share it. I didn't really think of this though, until I saw a facebook stadis on S's page. She wrote about an experience she had with her son in Barns and Noble a while back, that reminded me of somethings I hope to put into practice when I am in a similar place with a child, and wondered if it could encourage someone if I pass Them on . So I started this blog series in hopes someone might be blessed.
So, now you have the introduction, and I guess because I am blind, and editing and writing for me is pretty hard, and very very very time consuming, I am going to leave off here for now. But, I'll poast part 2 next week. Then three, four, and so on untill I am done. I would love some feadback, when I get going so I'll know better if this is helpful to anyone or not, as like I said, it is hard work and very time consumeing. Yet, if it is a little blessing to someone in someway, it will be worth all the effert and more . So thank you in advance for your interest, and God willing I'll be back next week with some of the meat.


At May 20, 2011 at 10:46 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Hey Mark! Thank you for your kind words about our family. I'm looking forward to what you have to say on childrearing. I remember before I had kids, I thought I had it all figured out. I'd see a kid acting a certain way in a store and would mutter under my breath, "THAT won't be happening when I have kids!" Oh, how the Lord keeps us humble! =) Parenting is a journey that (I'm convinced) teaches us more about ourselves than the little people we are raising. It's been quite the ride. The Lord is good and He will see us through!


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